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Recognition of the work of the students of the Toki Ona Institute in the LIFE IREKIBAI Project
Last Monday, Luis Sanz Azcárate, Manager of GAN-NIK – Environmental Management of Navarra – Nafarroako Ingurumen Kudeaketa, visited the second year high school students – Earth and Environmental Sciences subject – from the Toki Ona Institute of Bortziriak. And he presented them with various materials from the LIFE IREKIBAI Project,
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Videos of the presentations of the final seminar of the LIFE IREKIBAI project
Videos of the presentations (Presentations and videos in Spanish) SEMINARIO FINAL – PROYECTO LIFE IREKIBAI The LIFE-IREKIBAI project ended its journey with the celebration of the final Seminar that takes stock of the joint actions of Navarra and Gipuzkoa to improve the river connectivity of the Leitzaran and Bidasoa basins.
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